Jack Redlin, Racine Raiders

Quarterback Andre Locke, Sr. is entering his second season with the Racine Raiders and is coming off a tremendous 2023 season where he totaled over 2,400 yards and 34 touchdowns.

Andre Locke escaping the pocketBefore joining that Raiders in 2023, Locke played for another semi-pro team (Chicago Birdgang) that had two matchups with the Raiders. During one of the teams’ matchups Raiders head coach Wilbert Kennedy spoke with Locke about his play and the interest both sides had in Locke potentially joining the Raiders.  

One of the biggest aspects of Locke joining the Raiders in 2023 is Kennedy’s message to his players of becoming a structured player who can adapt and overcome different aspects of the game. This message is something that Locke already followed before his time with the Raiders and is a reason as to why he joined.   

β€œI’m a structured player and what coach Wilbert Kennedy preaches is the same message that I give as a leader,” said Locke

Another reason Locke joined the Raiders is due to growing up in the Chicagoland area. Growing up in the area around the Raiders, Locke had heard and seen many different aspects of Raiders football. One of the biggest aspects for him is the Raiders fan base.  

β€œI’ve played college and arena football so I promised myself before I was done I’d play and finish as a Raider under the best fan base this level has to offer,” Locke stated. 

In Locke’s first year with the Raiders, they brought home their tenth national championship and Locke received MVP honors from the championship game. In terms of last year’s Raiders team and the success they had, Locke gives credit to his coaches and teammates.

β€œIt was an honor to lead our team that far and getting our organization back in the national spotlight where we belong,” Locke said. β€œIt (a championship) was my main goal for the season and the MVP was the icing on the cake, but a combination of Coach Schick’s brain and my whole offense at work. I just got the credit.”

Locke’s team goals remain the same this season.

β€œThe ultimate goal is always the main focus, which is to bring home (championship) number 11,” he states. 

In terms of personal goals, Locke aims to take better care of the ball during the season.

β€œA personal goal of mine is to not throw any interceptions this season,” says Locke. 

Andre Locke passing against the Indy Bison in 2023.

Off-the-field, Locke is offensive coordinator at CICS Longwood and coach’s baseball at Phillips High School. Locke is proud to help youth carve a positive path in life for themselves.Β Β 

β€œWe have 11-out-of-11 seniors graduating and nine of which are extending their playing career at the next level,” brags Locke. β€œThat’s honestly why I coach and it’s a blessing to be a part of the next generations future.”

Locke is proud to be part of the future of the game and, in typical Locke fashion, even gives credit to teammate Anton Graham. Graham is the head football coach at Racine Case High School and Locke admires the amazing job he’s done there.

Locke’s commitment to success is evident on-and-off the field with coaching youth and leading the Raiders to their first national championship in nearly a decade. The Raiders underΒ LockeΒ have the possibility to do something that hasn’t been accomplished since hall-of-famer Jim May helped lead the team to back-to-back undefeated season in 1964 and 1965. May remains the only quarterback in franchise history to have never lost a game.

PHOTO CREDIT: Scott Olsen, MyEyes Photography